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Who we are

…plus our network of collaborators and multidisciplinary experts

We collaborate at every moment of the project with the most appropriate people…

...whether they are those of our client's trust...

Members of the Board - Management team - Project offices - Other relevant opinion leaders in and for the shareholders and the company - Other service companies (consulting companies, communication companies, offices, among others)

…or those of our own network of collaborators

Our network includes professional services firms and experts in:


Markets and sectors - Deals, valuations , M&A - Innovation - Talent - Communication and Corporate Branding - Megatrends, Economy, Public Affairs - ESG - Training - Business and social entrepreneurship - Philanthropy - Coaching - …

Our service has a high component of personal advice to leaders with great challenges, putting ourselves in their shoes and collaborating to achieve the desired results:

  1. First-person involvement at all times

  2. Work as a team, with the level of dialogue required for each interest group

  3. Trust, listening and confidentiality

  4. Avoid conflicts of interest and manage any that exist

  5. Pragmatic and results-oriented approach, due to our experience in leading or advising transformative and sensitive projects in complex organizations of very different nature

  6. Very tailored and focused on what we know how to do, counting on a network of multidisciplinary collaborators where appropriate

Our commitment

What makes us different?

0 1 We bring in our expertise in both, business strategy as well as families in business to generate constructive debate, consensus and decision making,

02 We accompany you either from the ownership perspective or from the management perspective, but always with a deep understanding of both,

03 We act in both governance and management ,

04 With impact in the medium term and involvement in the short…

…to execute strategies with purpose

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